Megadeus - My Art

Quick Gallery Proof-of-Concept

Note: Navigate the lightboxes with the arrow keys, P, N, X, and Escape.

Techmage-droid thumb

rpg-bot1 thumb  rpg-bot2 thumb  rpg-bot3 thumb

This is a pretty simplistic gallery to test the lightbox functionality and get some of my art on the web. So far, so good.

As the subtitle says, this is just a proof-of-concept. I'll have other art up here soon, provided this format doesn't eat up my allocated disk space and bandwidth.

The series of three robots is part of my work for this year's Game Chef competition.

Tegaki Art

steampunk-bot thumb  demon thumb  self-portrait howl thumb  goatee thumb

These are a few of my favorite posts from my Tegaki blog. If you like what you see or you code your own gallery website, send me an email at the link below. I'd be glad to hear from you.


This site is being hosted on, also known as the SuperDimensionFortress. It's a free, public-access UNIX system. You see, I'm a Linux fan and wanted to learn more about the various UNIX-like operating systems, so I got myself a free account. (Technically, it cost me a dollar and a postage stamp so they wouldn't expire my account, but I won't begrudge them those).

If you're so inclined, email me. It will at least give me an excuse to use the pine email client from the command line.

Lightbox code provided by Lokesh Dhakar.